10 March 2008


Hello there. This is my blog and you are reading it. That's a good thing because I think it is neat when people read things I have written. I guess that makes sense seeing as how I am an author. I write words down in a sequential order and people read them. Hopefully people enjoy them.
Don't worry. This is not going to be some blog where I just journal so that everyone in the world can read about my daily life. That would be rather dull. It would go something like this:
"I woke up this morning and walked to the bus stop to go to work. I worked and then came home and ate something and took a shower and smoked some cigarettes and played some World of Warcraft and hung out with my room mates and now I'm about to go to bed."
Who wants to read that everyday? No one. Being in the sales industry I think i have a pretty good handle on knowing what people want and anticipating peoples needs. I think you came here because you wanted to read something interesting and something applicable to your life. Am I right. Ha. Thought so.
So here's the deal. I will come here everyday and post multiple things and you will come and read them. How's that sound? What are the things I will post here? Who knows really...Maybe I'll talk about some awesome music or maybe the current book I'm reading. However it might also have to do with technology or possibly the most recent game I played. Maybe I'll talk about the Bible or culture or social activism. Maybe I'll just talk about something I have on my mind.
I guess there's only one real way you'll find out what I'm going to talk about next right?

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