11 March 2008

Book Review - Culture Shift

Welcome back. I decided that today I'm going to tell you a little bit about the book I am currently reading. The title is Culture Shift: Engaging Current Issues with Timeless Truth by R. Albert Mohler Jr.
The topic of this book, as if it isn't already pretty obviously is how do we, as Christians, go about living in our current culture while also applying the solid truth of scripture to our lives? In the face of abortion, poverty, child molestation, state-sanctioned torture, natural disasters, pornography, and corruption, how do we go about in bringing the Kingdom, that Christ so often spoke of, into the world? How can we raise our children, and while resisting temptations ourselves, be a beacon of hope to our world?
Tough questions, man. I don't know the answers. It's hard. We all fail at times. No one's perfect. People who call themselves the church are no exception. We mess up too! (Believe it or not)
Mohler tackles these questions and he wrestles with them and he doesn't let off until he's got them in an arm bar hold. He challenges our government in this book. He challenges the secular world and the nonreligious. However, most of all he challenges Christians. He presents his cases and he does it well and with much eloquence. He cites national news sources, scientific journals, court records, and, of course, the Bible.
Overall, I thought the book was a good read. Short, easy to read and highly informative. One could viably read this book in a single sitting in one day (if you are a marathon reader like me) but still glean more information from it than from a book twice its size.
A short and sweet overview and rating system you say? You got it.

Culture Shift: Engaging Current Issues with Timeless Truth
R. Albert Mohler Jr.

~For Christians who want to know how to deal with and discuss current issues with biblical accuracy and how to apply those truths to their lives.
~For the nonreligious who want to be informed and intelligent people and citizens.

Overall rating: 4/5

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